Bubble trouble full screen hacked
Bubble trouble full screen hacked

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If you’re into original vintage watches, we’ve covered them in depth, too. Just like this retro watch, in fact, that uses a similar LED display. If you’ve got an old Soviet digital watch that you’d like to upgrade, you’ll be pleased to hear that the entire design is open source. uses his renovated watch on a daily basis, apparently without trouble. While these draw quite a bit of current, the rest of the watch has become an order of magnitude more frugal: the stand-by time is now estimated to be about ten years, where the old design often needed new batteries within a year. The PCB makes contact with the watch’s pushbuttons through clever use of castellated holes.įor the display went with period-correct LED modules made by HP, which keep the display’s appearance as close to the original as possible.

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Bubble trouble full screen hacked series#

Where the original had several custom chips wire-bonded directly onto a substrate, the new board contains an MSP430 series microcontroller as well as an AS1115 display driver. When got his hands on an Elektronika-1, a first-generation digital watch designed in the Soviet Union, he set about designing a modern replacement for its internals. Pressing the top-right button enables those beautiful LED modules Still, the deep red glow of their displays gave them a certain aesthetic that’s hard to replicate with today’s technology. Their cases were large and heavy, and they drained their batteries rather quickly even when not displaying the time. Their power-hungry LED displays lit up only when you pressed a button, and even then the numbers shown were tiny. The first electronic digital watches were admired for their pioneering technology, if not their everyday practicality, when they were introduced in the 1970s.

Bubble trouble full screen hacked how to#

Hacking Bubble is a series on how to make Bubble do things it probably wasn’t meant to do.ĭon’t miss out on the latest Bubble content by signing up here.

bubble trouble full screen hacked

You can learn more about how to CSS in this Introduction to CSS. Make it entirely how you want it to look. You can change up the color hex, font-size, font-family, etc.

Bubble trouble full screen hacked code#

Just make an HTML element in Bubble and type this code in. The addition of ‘download’ to the end of the href tag makes all of the difference, but then again, browsers, so I don’t know. Finally, just type download after the href=””. You can either copy and paste the static URL between the quotations if the file will not change, or add a dynamic element like I have. href=”” is where you would enter the source file URL that the tag will use. The style=”” is a CSS element that you would use to style the button. The tag is for creating a link so we will need that to direct the page to the source image (or any file). Okay, then what is probably the solution to this, you add? It’s difficult to assume a general behavior between all browsers as they can behave different from each other. We are talking about browsers here, so I can’t talk in absolutes. If this was any other kind of file, then most likely. At least it was for me, so if this very specific problem has occurred for you too, this article will explain how to make images download onto the user’s computer instead of doing this.īut can’t I just send the user to the file URL, wouldn't that download it for them, you ask? It would be disappointing to find out after putting in all of that work to make the app, you can’t have your users download an image from your website.

bubble trouble full screen hacked

Let’s say, you are making a cloud and/or sharing service.

Bubble trouble full screen hacked